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Books And Bread: A Conversation With The Owner Of Paradis Books And Bread

Paradis Books and Bread is a charming independent bookstore and café situated on a quiet corner of Brooklyn. The store is owned and run by Chef Wilder Aldahl, whose passion for food and literature has

Paradis Books and Bread is a charming independent bookstore and café situated on a quiet corner of Brooklyn. The store is owned and run by Chef Wilder Aldahl, whose passion for food and literature has made a major impact on the community. We sat down with Wilder for a conversation about his perspective on this unique concept that combines literature and food.

Wilder opened Paradis Books and Bread in 2017 with the intention of fusing together two of his greatest loves: books and baking. After working in the restaurant industry for years, Wilder decided to open a business that represented the things he was passionate about. He found that literature and food had tremendous overlap in terms of storytelling and nourishment, and so he built a business that brings them both together.

The bookstore and café is designed in such a way that the smell of freshly baked bread wafts through the building. The space is filled with bookshelves that are lined with classic books, cookbooks, and children\’s books, all of which are for sale. The café side of the store serves delicious pastries, sandwiches, and seasonal dishes.

The bookstore and café is a community hub, with frequent events and workshops that bring people together. Wilder has also made it a priority to stock a range of diverse writers and cuisines, making it a welcoming space for everyone.

The combination of books and food has been a successful one, with the store attracting not just book lovers, but also foodies and families. Wilder believes that the connection between the two is fundamental.

“Both food and books tell stories. They can transport you to another time and place and evoke emotions. They are both essential parts of our humanity,” Wilder says.

Paradis Books and Bread is not the only business that has attempted this fusion of experiences. In recent years, there has been a growing trend in bookstore-cafés, and it seems to be a combination that resonates with people all over the world.

The benefits of combining books and food are clear. For bookstores, it can attract more visitors who may not have come in otherwise, and for cafés, it can provide a unique selling point. Bookstores and libraries often provide a quiet and serene atmosphere, whereas cafes provide a bustling and energetic environment. The combination of the two can create a dynamic and engaging space.

Wilder believes that Paradis Books and Bread has been successful because it fills a niche in an increasingly digital age. “People crave experiences that are authentic and tangible. Reading a physical book and enjoying a warm cup of coffee and a pastry is a sensory experience that can’t be replicated by a Kindle.”

The Future of Bookstore-Café Concept

The bookstore-café concept is not a new one, but it is one that is constantly evolving. As the digital age continues to influence the way that we read and consume food, it\’s important to consider what the future of this concept will look like. Will more businesses attempt to combine the two experiences? What challenges do they face?

One challenge that bookstore-cafés face is how to cater to different audiences. For example, a café may be filled with people looking to socialize, whereas a bookstore may be filled with people who are looking for a quiet space to read. Finding a balance that accommodates all needs is key.

Another challenge is how to stay relevant in an ever-changing market. As digital books and audiobooks continue to rise in popularity, bookstores must find innovative ways to bring people in.

The Benefits of Independent Bookstores and Cafés

Independent bookstores and cafés are an important part of any community. Not only do they provide a space for people to connect with one another, but they also provide a level of personalized service that larger chains cannot replicate.

Independent businesses are also more likely to stock hard-to-find books and specialty items that may not be available elsewhere.

The Importance of Supporting Local Businesses

Supporting local businesses has a range of benefits, from strengthening the local economy to building a stronger sense of community. By supporting local businesses, people can help ensure that these unique and valuable places continue to thrive.

Local businesses also tend to be more invested in their communities, often supporting local charities or hosting events that bring people together.


Paradis Books and Bread is a successful example of how the combination of books and food can create a unique experience that resonates with people of all ages and backgrounds. By combining two essential aspects of our humanity, Wilder Aldahl has created a business that not only provides nourishment for the body but also for the soul.

The bookstore-café concept is not without its challenges, but as businesses continue to adapt and innovate, it is a concept that is likely to remain a fixture of communities all over the world.

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