Home / Wine regions and appellations (Page 27)

Reading Time: [est_time] (Cover photo from Batič Winery's website.) We've spent significant time traveling and tasting through the Ex-Yugoslavian countries. For some reason, we had previously put little focus on Slovenia. After finishing our book Cracking Croatian Wine, we decided to make a week-long tasting trip through


Reading Time: [est_time] Hello! Welcome to As Drunk by Exotic Wine Travel, a weekly column where we feature interesting wines that we encourage you to seek out. The reviews featured in this series may be written by either one or the both of us. The featured


In November 2017, we took the train from Budapest, Hungary to Vienna, Austria to attend the Orange Wine Festival 2017. We are huge fans of orange wines (macerated white/skin-contact amber wines). It was our first time at this annual event, and it was everything we


Reading Time: [est_time] After releasing Cracking Croatian Wine, we decided to make a week-long tasting trip through Goriška Brda, Kras, and Vipava Valley. Our tasting trip through western Slovenia yielded many gems and exceeded our already high expectations. The quality of winemaking is outstanding, and several


Reading Time: [est_time] Hello! Welcome to As Drunk by Exotic Wine Travel, a weekly column where we feature interesting wines that we encourage you to seek out. The reviews featured in this series may be written by either one or the both of us. The featured wines


The second annual installation of Skopje Wine Salon - Vinodonia is happening on 1-2 December 2017, at Skopje Marriott Hotel. This year's program includes master classes on the wines from three juggernauts: Chateau Kamnik Winery, Stobi Winery, and Tikveš Winery. These three wineries are also


Reading Time: [est_time] Special thanks to Tom Leitner who set up the appointment with these wineries and also acted as our guide. Rebenhof Hartmut Aubell Rebenhof Hartmut Aubell is located in Südsteiermark, perhaps the most celebrated area among the southern Austrian wine regions. The green rolling hills of


Reading Time: [est_time] Wine brings people together, both from near and far. Charine met Tom Leitner on a natural wine Facebook group. After sharing a few messages, we realized that Tom shares a passion for Croatia and Croatian wine with us. He invited us to visit him


Reading Time: [est_time] After finishing our book Cracking Croatian Wine, we decided to make a week-long tasting trip through Goriška Brda, Kras, and Vipava Valley. Our tasting trip through Western Slovenia yielded many gems and exceeded our already lofty expectations. The standard of winemaking is outstanding and