Home / Vineyards and wineries (Page 25)

Reading Time: [est_time] In the Spring of 2018, we set out on a re-tour of Croatia to bring our book Cracking Croatian Wine: A Visitor Friendly-Guide to life. There was so much to share about Istria that we ended up shooting four episodes there. In Part 2 of Cracking Croatian


Reading Time: [est_time] Hello! Welcome to As Drunk by Exotic Wine Travel, a weekly column where we feature interesting wines that we encourage you to seek out. The reviews featured in this series may be written by either one or the both of us. The featured wines


Reading Time: [est_time] Hello! Welcome to As Drunk by Exotic Wine Travel, a weekly column where we feature interesting wines that we encourage you to seek out. The reviews featured in this series may be written by either one or the both of us. The featured wines


Reading Time: [est_time] It seems apt to introduce Winery Jerković (pronounce yer-koh-vich) on this day as the Croatia national football team takes on France at the 2018 FIFA World Cup Final in a few hours. Why is that? What do Winery Jerković and football have in common? First: Winery Jerković


Reading Time: [est_time] In 1976, Englishman Steven Spurrier organized a blind tasting, pitting Napa Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay against top-notch Red Bordeaux and White Burgundy. When the final scores were tallied, a Californian wine came out on top in both the red and white categories. The


Reading Time: [est_time] In the Spring of 2018, we set out on a re-tour of Croatia to bring our book Cracking Croatian Wine: A Visitor Friendly-Guide to life. After Plešivica, our second stop was the Istria wine region. There was so much to share about Istria that we ended


Reading Time: [est_time] Hello! Welcome to As Drunk by Exotic Wine Travel, a weekly column where we feature interesting wines that we encourage you to seek out. The reviews featured in this series may be written by either one or the both of us. The featured wines


Reading Time: [est_time] "I wonder if I can say that 'One of the best Pinot Gris I've had is from Somló,' without sounding pretentious." Eva engages in a moment of thoughtful silence. "There's very little Pinot Gris grown in Somló." Yup, I can't. A lesser-known wine country. A lesser-known wine region.


Reading Time: [est_time] Hello! Welcome to As Drunk by Exotic Wine Travel, a weekly column where we feature interesting wines that we encourage you to seek out. The reviews featured in this series may be written by either one or the both of us. The featured wines


Reading Time: [est_time] In the Spring of 2018, we set out on a re-tour of Croatia to bring our book Cracking Croatian Wine: A Visitor Friendly-Guide to life. Our first stop on this journey was Plešivica. It's a wine region that delivers some of the best Croatian